1. Navigate to People > Vendors.
  2. Click the Add a Vendor button in the top right corner.
  3. Enter the vendor information:
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Company
    • Phone number
    • Email is optional
    • Reason for visit
  4. Click Save & continue.
  5. Select when the vendor will have access:
    • Access date: The date the access will begin. Default is the current day.
    • Start time: The time the access will begin. Default is 0:00.
    • Expiration time: The time the access will expire. Default is 23:00.
  6. Click Next: Assign access.
  7. Assign property access:
    • Choose Device groups and/or Devices
  8. Click Next: Credentials.
  9. Credentials:
    1. Click next to Create badge [#] to verify which device groups and/or devices you have chosen.
    2. Click the Create button.
    3. Click the radio button next to the enrollment reader you want to use.
    4. Leave everything as is on the Initial Setup & Read page.
    5. Click Scan.
    6. Tap the fob against the center of the enrollment reader.
      • Confirm that the Badge ID matches the one written on the fob.
      • There will be a check to see if the fob needs to be programmed.
      • More than one fob may be required. (*See note below.)
    7. Wait until there are blue flashing lights on the enrollment reader. then, hold the fob against the center of the reader until the light turns green and you hear a confirmation tone.
    8. Click Finish on the Review page to exit the credential programming modal and return to finish the Vendor creation modal.
    9. You’ll see the badge number pop up under Badge ID in place of Create Badge [#]. Click Next: Review.
  10. You will see the Review page. Check to make sure all of the information is accurate, then click Finish.

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