1. Navigate to People > Everyone.
  2. Click the Add a user button in the top right corner.
  3. Fill in the user’s first and last name. Middle name, email address, and image are optional.
    • If you want the user to have access to a mobile credential, you must enter their email address.
  4. Select the user type from the Select user type drop down menu.
    1. User type determines the user’s permissions.
    2. You can also customize the permissions by selecting Customize and checking/unchecking the relevant boxes. Click Confirm Permissions when done.
  5. Click Save user & continue to proceed.
  6. Now you are in the Assign property access section. Click Add user group.
  7. Assign the user to user groups by selecting the appropriate options from the drop-down menu.
  8. Click Save Access & Continue.
  9. Now you will be setting up a physical credential. Click on + Create badge.
  10. Select the enrollment reader to program the credential.
  11. Choose the appropriate credential format from the drop-down menu.
  12. Click Scan.
  13. Tap the badge against the center of the reader.
  14. The credential information will be displayed. Confirm the information and then click Create.
  15. Wait for the reader to start flashing blue. When it does, rest the credential against the center of the reader. Remove once the light turns green.
  16. Click Finish.

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