The Devices page shows all devices that are enrolled on the system. The page is customizable and the columns can be reorganized and hidden per the properties preference.

Name Name of the Device
MAC Address MAC Address of the Device (online devices only)
Serial Number Serial Number of the device
Model Model of the Device
Status Test Status of the Device (not applicable)
Firmware Latest
Out‑of‑date (>2 revs)
Unknown Out‑of‑date (<=2 revs)
Connected Connection Status of the Device (online devices only)
Last Connected Last time the device communicated with Zentra. See history for which activity occurred at that time
Active Active/Not Active
Credentials % of possible Credentials associated with the device
Schedule Update If an update is scheduled or not
Synced If the device has communicated to the Engage backend (not via Zentra app)
Actions Edit Access Point
Edit Device Settings
Activate/Deactivate Device

Add, Edit and Deactivate Devices

Sort and Filter Devices

Use the arrows at the top of each column, that are displayed on mouse-over, to sort the list by that column.

Type into the Filter… box at the top of each column to filter the list.

View Access Point Settings

Click next to the device you want to view.

To edit these settings, see Edit Access Point.

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