To manage up to 12 readers at once, you can use a “Multiple Access Point” widget. Unlike the Single Access Point widget, this will not show history events.

  1. Hover over and then choose Create Widget.
  2. Enter a name for the widget, and then choose Multiple Access Point from the drop-down menu.
  3. The screen will change to show a grid of Access Points. To add an Access Point to one of the boxes, click , and then choose the Access Point from the drop-down box.
  4. Continue adding other desired Access Points to the grid.
    • If you want to delete an Access Point from the grid, click next to that Access Point.
    • If you want to edit which Access Point is in a box, click on it and then select the Access Point from the drop-down box.
  5. When you are done setting up the grid, click .

You can also control any of the Access Points in the widget by clicking on the individual Access Point and then using the drop-down box and button in the lower right corner of the widget. Actions include:

  • Admit
  • Lock Down
  • Lock
  • Unlocked
  • Clear Tamper

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