Weekly Rules are schedules that control WHO will have access to which doors (WHERE) during a specified period of time (WHEN).

By default, there are three types of weekly rules to choose from:

  • Grant Access: provides credential access to Users/User Groups for the specified Access Point(s) or Access Point Group(s)
  • Auto-Unlock: unlocks the Access Point(s) or Access Point Group(s) for the scheduled duration
  • Auto-Unlock w/ Badge: once a user (with permission) has presented their credential, the Access Point(s) or Access Point Group(s) remain unlocked for the scheduled duration

Building weekly rules

In order to visualize your weekly rules better, you may want to map them out using a chart:

  1. A column for the name of the rule (best practice is to be as descriptive as necessary).
  2. A column for those who need access (users and/or user groups).
  3. A column for which doors they will need to access (access points or access point groups).
  4. A column for the days of the week and times (scheduled times).


Rule Name Who? [users/user groups] Where? [access points/access point groups] When? [scheduled days and times]
Maintenance (Full Access) Maintenance Crew All Doors 24/7
Resident Pool Access All Residents Pool 9AM to 9PM
Resident Clubhouse Access All Residents Clubhouse 8AM to 7PM

You should review every scenario and ensure there is little to no overlap or redundancies. In general, it’s best to keep rules as simple as possible.

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